Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Opinion Writing : By Adam Naamy , Ghaazee School, Hulhumale' , Grade 10 S2

There is a proposal in your country to raise the legal age for learning to drive a car by five years. Do you think this is a good idea? Write a letter to your local newspaper, giving your views. You should write about 150 to 200 words.

Dear Editor,

I would like to bring to your consideration about the issue of rising the legal age of learning how to drive a car. As a citizen of this country, as well as a youngster, I would like to voice my disappointment on the government’s new idea of ruining our life.
Basically, I would describe this issue just the same as banning mothers to breast feed their children. First of all, the place we live is a rural area without any way of transportation within buses or trains. If young folks are to walk each and every place they want to go, or depend on others to take them, that will undoubtedly waste a huge amount of precious time.

In addition, a huge majority of people who does not fit the legal age of learning how to drive are more mature and responsible compared to higher age groups that have the legal rights. Above all, as a human age, his or her power of sight and the ability to think decreases. On the other hand, we young fellows who are deprived of the right to drive have greater power sight and higher ability to think which are both necessary for a matured, responsible driver.

Finally, I hope that I have shed sufficient amount of light on this matter for you to consider this as a top level issue. Our wish is that the government to think wisely and cool down our tensions that we have inside our brains.

Yours faithfully,

Leo Naamy.

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